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Dealing With Loss & Happiness

This morning three out of my five does gave birth (Nala, Amira, & Libby). Unfortunately when I saw that they gave birth this afternoon, both Nala and Amira's litters were cold not not moving. I quickly brought them back to my house where I filled a bucket with warm water and put the babies into an opened zip-lock bag and placed them in the water. Unfortunately it looks like the two litters which totaled to 9 are not going to survive. This was their first litters and sometimes tragedy like this happen for no reason. On a happier note, Libby Liberty delivered 6 beautiful big babies. They are warm and wiggling around. I will be keeping a close eye on them for the next few day. Lucia and Akeeta have yet to have their babies but I expect them to in the next few days. Prayers for smooth deliveries are welcomed.

Amira after having her babies, saddened that they aren't with her.

Riata Marchant

Owner- Riata's Rabbitry

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